Что не так с этим кодом, развернутым, но отображающим ошибку при отправке эфира?

Я попытался скомпилировать этот код для краудсейла, а также развернул контракт в сети Rinkeby. Но каждый раз, когда я отправляю транзакцию, он говорит Warning! Error Encounter during Contract Execution [execution reverted]. Вот код

pragma solidity ^0.4.18;

interface token {
function transfer(address receiver, uint amount) external;

contract Crowdsale {
address public beneficiary;
uint public fundingGoal;
uint public amountRaised;
uint public deadline;
uint public price;
token public tokenReward;
mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
bool fundingGoalReached = false;
bool crowdsaleClosed = false;

event GoalReached(address recipient, uint totalAmountRaised);
event FundTransfer(address backer, uint amount, bool isContribution);

 * Constructor function
 * Setup the owner
function Crowdsale(
    address ifSuccessfulSendTo,
    uint fundingGoalInEthers,
    uint durationInMinutes,
    uint etherCostOfEachToken,
    address addressOfTokenUsedAsReward
) public {
    beneficiary = ifSuccessfulSendTo;
    fundingGoal = fundingGoalInEthers * 1 ether;
    deadline = now + durationInMinutes * 1 minutes;
    price = etherCostOfEachToken * 1 ether;
    tokenReward = token(addressOfTokenUsedAsReward);

 * Fallback function
 * The function without name is the default function that is called whenever anyone sends funds to a contract
function () payable public {
    uint amount = msg.value;
    balanceOf[msg.sender] += amount;
    amountRaised += amount;
    tokenReward.transfer(msg.sender, amount / price);
   emit FundTransfer(msg.sender, amount, true);

modifier afterDeadline() { if (now >= deadline) _; }

 * Check if goal was reached
 * Checks if the goal or time limit has been reached and ends the campaign
function checkGoalReached() public afterDeadline {
    if (amountRaised >= fundingGoal){
        fundingGoalReached = true;
        emit GoalReached(beneficiary, amountRaised);
    crowdsaleClosed = true;

 * Withdraw the funds
 * Checks to see if goal or time limit has been reached, and if so, and the funding goal was reached,
 * sends the entire amount to the beneficiary. If goal was not reached, each contributor can withdraw
 * the amount they contributed.
function safeWithdrawal() public afterDeadline {
    if (!fundingGoalReached) {
        uint amount = balanceOf[msg.sender];
        balanceOf[msg.sender] = 0;
        if (amount > 0) {
            if (msg.sender.send(amount)) {
               emit FundTransfer(msg.sender, amount, false);
            } else {
                balanceOf[msg.sender] = amount;

    if (fundingGoalReached && beneficiary == msg.sender) {
        if (beneficiary.send(amountRaised)) {
           emit FundTransfer(beneficiary, amountRaised, false);
        } else {
            //If we fail to send the funds to beneficiary, unlock funders balance
            fundingGoalReached = false;


Вот развернутый адрес контракта — 0xBa31314526372F57858EeF03381e5853ec20Ec30.

Из трассировки гетов rinkeby.etherscan.io/… . Проблема в tokenReward, ревертинг вызова на передачу. Распространенная проблема заключается в том, что вы не привязали токены к контракту краудсейла.

Ответы (1)

Есть причины, по которым etherscan показывает это https://etherscancom.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/35000071618-transaction-marked-fail-why-

Я бы посоветовал взглянуть на контракты краудсейла OpenZeppelin, чтобы не изобретать вещи заново: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-solidity/tree/master/contracts/crowdsale https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin -solidity/blob/master/contracts/examples/SampleCrowdsale.sol